Workshops - GenesysCloudCX

Genesys Cloud CX Outbound Campaigns

2 hours

Help G Freight add outbound capabilities to their Genesys Cloud CX environment to increase their sales and improve the communication they have with their existing customer base

AWS Live Call Analytics/QnA Bot using Genesys AudioHook Monitor

2 hours

This workshop will guide users through integrating Genesys AudioHook Monitor with an AWS CloudFormation stack to use live call analytics and QnA Bot.

Meaningful Interactions Part 1 - Agent Scripts

2 hours

Learn how to build and leverage agent scripts to empower agents to create meaningful interactions.

Genesys Cloud CX Intro To Architect

2 hours

An introductory course into the Genesys Cloud CX Architect tool. You will get an understanding of key concepts, capabilities, and build your first inbound flow.

Dynamic List Slots - A Game Changing new Feature for Genesys Dialog Engine Bot Flows

1 hour

Learn how to leverage Dynamic List Slots in Genesys Dialog Engine Bot Flows to make your self service automation easier to manage and more intuitive.

Genesys Cloud CX and External Routing of Salesforce Chats

2 hours

Learn about our Salesforce partnership and how to configure Salesforce Omni-Channel chats to route through the Genesys Cloud CX ACD engine.

Intro to Predictive Engagement

2 hours

A self-guided course that covers the basic knowledge needed to understand and explain “What is Predictive Engagement?” and how it will impact customer and agent experience.

Genesys Dialog Engine Build a Bot

2 hours

Learn how to Build a Bot using Genesys Dialog Engine!

Genesys Cloud CX™️ & Google Cloud

2 hours

See the power of Genesys Cloud CX and Google Cloud CCAI. Set up both integrations with Agent Assist and Dialogflow CX into your own Genesys Cloud CX instance.

Real-Time Performance Monitoring for Genesys Cloud CX

1 hour

Service monitoring & observability for Genesys Cloud CX. Continuously measure performance to deliver the best possible customer and agent experience.

Automation with CX as Code

4 hours

Learn how deploy a Genesys Cloud Architect flow and its dependent objects using Archy and CX as Code to manage Architect flows and dependent objects as plain text files that can be checked into source control.

Create and host your own GDPR client application

2 hours

Learn how to create your very own GDPR client application and embed it into your Genesys Cloud organization

Data Action Workshop

2 hours

Learn how to use Data Actions for additional engagement in our products!

Genesys Cloud CX™️ Channel Setup

4 hours

Learn how to setup & configure Genesys Cloud CX™️